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IMF: Greece needs additional assistance

IMF: Greece needs additional assistance

IMF: Greece needs additional assistance

- International Monetary Fund says Thursday that Greece bahaj additional assistance worth 36 billion  euros from the European Union in the next 3 years even if Athens agreed a plan to creditors before  the referendum next Sunday .


- He added the IMF in a report on Greece debt that the country may need to write off a large portion of their debts if growth slowed more than expected and did not apply the required economic reforms .

- The Fund is also evident in the report it may increase the pressure on euro-zone officials say that total  State funding for widgets Greece about $ 55 over the next three years making the IMF reduced forecast  for growth of the Greek economy this from year "2.5" percent to 0.

- IDA has indicated that the addition of these new funds will cause harm to Europeans to postpone  payment of benefits (Athens) debt by doubling the length of the acquisition of sovereign bonds to  Greece .

 - Another report said that the IMF had decided to publish exceptional before 4 days from Sunday's  referendum if underpowered hazmhalasalahat that are currently studied more confirms that the  write-off of part of the debt will be essential for the Fund and is one of a troika of creditors-have  called for creditors of the Athens European weeks ago to ease Greece's debt burden amounting to  180 percent of the gross domestic product results .

- The IMF considers that Greece is in a financial position exacerbated as a result of changes in  changes in governmental policies since party (siriza) anti-austerity policies European power in  Greece earlier this year .

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